Refund Policy for Bloom with Brandy

Last Updated: 12/14/2023

At Bloom with Brandy, we are committed to providing high-quality digital and physical products and services to our customers. This policy outlines our stance on refunds for digital and physical products, including those we sell directly and those offered through affiliate links on our website.

1. Refund Policy Overview

1.1 No Refunds: We do not offer refunds for digital products or services purchased directly from us or through affiliate links on our website. All sales are final.

1.2 Third-Party Products: Please note that while we may promote and recommend third-party digital and physical products products through affiliate links, our refund policy does not apply to these products. Refunds for third-party products are subject to the refund policies of the respective third-party sellers.

2. Our Digital Products

2.1 Quality Assurance: We take great care to ensure the quality and accuracy of our own digital products. We encourage customers to review product descriptions and specifications before making a purchase decision.

2.2 Support: If you encounter any technical issues or need assistance with our digital products, please contact our customer support team. We will make every effort to provide assistance and resolve any issues promptly.

3. Third-Party Products

3.1 Seller Policies: Digital and physical products offered through affiliate links are sold by third-party companies or individuals. Customers should familiarize themselves with the refund policies of these third-party sellers before making a purchase.

3.2 Contacting Third-Party Sellers: If you have questions or experience issues with a digital or physical product purchased through an affiliate link, you must contact the third-party seller directly. They will provide information on their refund process and any applicable terms and conditions.

4. Bloom with Brandy's Role

4.1 Affiliate Marketing: We serve as an affiliate marketer and promoter of digital and physical products and services. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information about these products, we do not control the sale, delivery, or refund process for third-party products.

4.2 Informational Resource: Our website serves as an informational resource, offering insights and recommendations about various digital and physical products. However, we are not responsible for the quality, performance, or refund process of products purchased through affiliate links.

5. Disclaimer of Liability

5.1 Limitation of Liability: To the fullest extent permitted by law, Bloom with Brandy disclaims all liability for any issues, disputes, or losses related to the purchase of digital and physical products or services, whether sold directly by us or through affiliate links. We are not responsible for the actions or inactions of third-party sellers.

6. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our "No Refunds Policy" or any other aspect of our website, please contact us at:

Bloom with Brandy

Brandy Ferrer

220 W. Tyler St.

Gilmer, TX, United States

We appreciate your understanding of our refund policy. When engaging with digital and physical products through our website, it is essential to review the refund policies of third-party sellers and make informed decisions based on their terms and conditions.

Thank you for choosing Bloom with Brandy for your product needs.

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